5 Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

I remember a time when I was feeling utterly miserable, trapped in a cycle of negativity and dissatisfaction with my life.

Every day felt like a struggle.

I didn't love my job. It wasn't fulfilling.

I was so mean to myself and wasn't a fan of how I looked in the mirror.

I felt empty inside.

I was constantly weighed down by stress, unhappiness and self-doubt.

I was stuck in a fixed mindset.

After struggling with my mental health for years, I realized something had to change.

So I put in the effort to listen to podcasts, read self help books, and focused on rewiring my brain.  

I started to reframe my mindset and negative thought patterns incorporating practices like gratitude, mindfulness, and meditation into my daily routine.

Slowly but surely, these changes started to take effect and a more positive mindset felt achievable.

I began to feel lighter, more positive, and increasingly in control of my life.

The brain started to catch on that it indeed possible to change.

I was cultivating a constructive growth mindset.

This was the beginning of my personal growth journey.

One of the best ways to improve your life is to start by fostering a growth mindset.

After being proof that you can indeed change the way you see yourself and change the thoughts inside your head, here are 5 powerful strategies to develop a growth mindset.

A moment of meditation putting these 5 principles into practice

What is Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset?

A Growth Mindset vs a Fixed Mindset, concepts developed by psychologist Carol Dweck, describe contrasting beliefs about learning and intelligence.

People with a Growth Mindset believe that their abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, hard work, and continuous learning.

They embrace challenges, view effort as the path to mastery, and see failure as an opportunity to grow.

In contrast, those with a Fixed Mindset believe their abilities are innate, static and unchangeable.

They tend to avoid challenges, give up easily, and are hesitant to put in effort.

This mindset can lead to a fear of failure and resistance to feedback.

Those with a growth mindset are more likely to foster resilience, develop new neural networks, creativity, and a love of learning.

This tends to lead to higher levels of achievement, opportunities to learn and personal fulfillment, while a Fixed Mindset can limit potential and increase stress and anxiety.

Sooooo this begs the question of Dweck's theory.....

How the heck can we push past our fixed mindset and move into a growth mindset view of the world?

How to Develop a Growth Mindset:

1. Key to Success - Practice Gratitude Daily

Gratitude is a powerful tool for shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance.

People with a growth mindset are constantly viewing their lives through the lens of gratitude.

It can be soooo easy to focus on all the things going wrong in your life.

The traffic.
The long to do list of tasks.
The grumpy boss.
The rush you constantly feel in.

There's a billion perspectives you can choose.

Someone with a growth mindset has the capacity to shift into gratitude to navigate the hardships of their lives instead of dwelling on the negative.

So can you shift into the mindset of thinking about 3 things you're grateful for?

A place to sleep? 

A meal you had? 

The creativity in your brain? 

Your ability to show up for people? 

This simple practice can help raise your vibration and keep an open mind.

FREE Gratitude Masterclass

Have you been feeling frustrated with your life unable to find anything to be grateful for lately?

Are you ready to learn all about gratitude in order to find more joy and raise your vibration?

In this FREE Attitude of Gratitude Masterclass, you'll learn how to fully utilize the power of gratitude in order to bring more fulfillment into your life.  

You'll leave feeling calm, peaceful and connected to yourself in just 45 minutes!


2. Cultivate a Positive Outlook

A growth mindset, as opposed to a fixed mindset, is the belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning.

A fixed mindset is the belief that "you're not good at something" and you'll never be able to get good.

People with a fixed mindset are likely to embrace the idea that they will never be good.

Take picking up a new instrument like guitar for example.

If you start plucking the strings and after 2 minutes you put it down frustrated you can't play Take Me Home Country Roads, you probably will never get to belt it out.

Yet, if you see the positive and take every day as a new chance to learn and get better, you're more likely to pick up the guitar every day and practice a bit more.

It's a learning process, of course.

Cultivating a positive mindset can be a powerful tool in honing your persistence and consistency, which are crucial in developing new skills.

So think about where you've been negative in your growth:

Do you think that the business you started won't go anywhere?

Or you'll never be able to find the right partner for you?

Or you're stuck exactly where you're at?

What would it feel like in your body to believe that if you keep showing up as the person you want to be, you will start to see progress in where you want to go?

You learn and grow from criticism to persist in the face of setbacks.

You put the effort in to improve and grow and have an ability to change and adapt.

This will open up new opportunities and enhance your resilience.

3. Set Clear Goals

Having clear, specific goals gives you direction and motivation.

To set clear goals, envision where it is you want to be in 3 months, 1 year and 5 years.

Then work backwards to break your goals into smaller, manageable steps.

When you have these big goals, it can be overwhelming.

But taking one action step a day can add up over time to get you to the top of that mountain you're climbing.

The trek may not be easy, but writing down your "why" of why you're doing what you're doing will be your north star to keep you focused and driven.

And of course, don't forget to celebrate your progress along the way.

I can get so caught up on hiking to the top of the mountain, that I forget there's so much beauty in the journey up there.

Join the Freedom Fast Track Membership!

Do you feel like your negative thoughts are controlling your life? 

Are you ready to finally find peace and joy in your life?

Learn the fundamental tools to change your neural pathways to live a more joyous, liberating and satisfying life in a group cohort that will hold you accountable toward your goals.

Let's figure out your goals together and see if this is a great fit for you. Book a call for a FREE Goal Setting Session.


4. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

I used to swear meditation off because I had such a monkey brain, until I realized that meditation could simply be taking a few deep breaths to center and ground myself.

By mindfully breathing and taking a few moments to consciously slow down, I noticed my whole body shift out of stressed out mode.

I felt more present.

I used growth mindset to establish a deliberate practice of meditation.

Growth mindset is crucial in creating time and space to slow down because our ego will do whatever it can to keep us in our dysregulated patterns.

As a yoga teacher, I've seen so many people swear that they aren't good meditators.

Then I show them that meditating is simply about carving out space for yourself to slow down, breathe and focus on themselves and their surroundings for a few moments, and their perspective shifts.

Regular practice can improve your emotional regulation, enhance self-awareness, and create a more positive outlook on life.

Need gentle guidance for your meditations? No worries. I got you.

<< Here are a few guided meditations to help you calm down the nervous system. >>

5. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

Jim Rohn is quite frequently quoted saying, “You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

The people you surround yourself with have a significant impact on your mindset.

I've quite literally experienced this.

When I was surrounded by people who were complaining and hating their jobs, it was so easy for me to chime in and gripe about it.

Then, when I quit my job and found a community of positive entrepreneurs traveling the world and building their businesses, something inside of me flipped.

I was no longer complaining all the time. Instead, I was inspired to be better.

To keep working on myself. To keep going.

I sought out mentors who were where I wanted to be and learned from them.

I had a group of people who were by biggest support system and lifting me up when I felt down.

Take a look at your current circle and ask yourself if this community of people is supporting you in being your best self or hindering you.

If you want to explore this topic deeper, I have a full podcast episode on it that you can check out here.

Transforming your mindset from fixed to growth is not a snap of the fingers ~ poof ~ everything is completely different kind of a thing.

Of course, getting to growth mindset takes growth mindset in it of itself.

So the fact that you're here reading this is evidence that you in fact already have growth mindset and you're willing to grow it.

By incorporating these 5 powerful strategies into your daily life, you can shift your perspective, overcome challenges, and create a more fulfilling and successful life.

We don't reach our success in a vacuum.

Getting support to mirror back to me where I need to grow and to shift me out of my negativity has been incredibly important on my journey.

It's my passion and mission to be that space for you.

If you're wanting additional support to help you integrate these healing techniques so that you can overcome your blocks holding you back, apply to work with me so I can guide you on your journey to breaking through your patterns.

Thank you so much for joining me on the Radically Rewired blog today!

To continue this beautiful journey of exploration and self discovery with me,  sign up for my newsletter to get notified about my newest blog posts.

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Your kind words and shares help create a positive ripple effect in the word to expand the amount of people who will have the opportunity to take these words and lessons and connect deeper to themselves and share their light.

I’m sooo grateful that you’re here taking another step toward living a life that feels extraordinary.

Until next time, keep rewiring, keep thriving, and keep shining.

If you have any questions and want to reach out to me, I'm here for you.

<< Contact me here >>

Much love,


Hi! I'm Nikki. A brain hacking mentor on a mission to help you optimize your mindset to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling and joyous life.

Start Your Yoga Journey

Are you wanting to tap into your body and mind by practicing yoga but have no idea where to start? 

I’ve made it easy for you to learn the basics of yoga poses in 5 short days.

For 5 days, you'll receive an email with 3 videos on how to do basic yoga poses. Then, you can practice those poses with a 15-minute sequence that combines them all.

On day 5, celebrate with a 30-minute yoga flow!

The best way to ease into yoga. Perfect for beginners.

In this free yoga challenge over 5 days, you will: 
  • Learn 12 basic yoga poses
  • Practice the poses in four 15-minute gentle yoga sequences
  • Connect deeper to your mind and body through 5 different journal prompts
  • Finish the challenge with a 30-minute flow
  • Gain more confidence in your yoga practice
  • Have access to a global yoga community