Hi, I'm Nikki! 

A brain hacking mindset mentor & energy healer that helps people take the leap to live their most deeply fulfilling, joyous lives.

About Me

Long before I became a mindset mentor and energy healer, I grew up in a competitive northern suburb of Chicago.

I was always striving from a young age to be seen as perfect.

This stress and pressure continued into my adult life as I worked a fancy corporate job, tried to have an impressive list of hobbies and attempted to maintain a happy social life. 

Although my life seemed great on paper, I...

  • Despised my body
  • Felt misaligned at my 9-5 desk job
  • Was going through the motions of life

I hit a point where I knew I couldn’t keep living the way I was. 

So, I took a leap of faith that changed my life. 

Moment of Truth

I quit my corporate job, packed my life in a suitcase, and booked a one-way ticket to Bali, Indonesia to get my yoga certification. 

During my journey there, I learned all about energy healing from Balinese priests, Pranic healers, and other spiritual mentors. 

I experienced a true 180 transformation of: 

  • Fully embracing myself and my body
  • Working on projects that lit me up
  • Consciously creating my life instead of letting it pass me by

After recognizing my new flourishing mindset changed the way I interacted with the world...

I became so passionate about helping people create a life they’re excited about.

Have a similar story? Or want to completely change your life too? I'd love to hear from you.


My Holistic Approach

The mind and body are so deeply intertwined that it is my goal to help you align them to become unstoppable.

As a mindset mentor & energy healer, I'm here to support you in discovering your true self, embodying who you are, and practicing new mindset shifts in your every day life through my 3 step process.

This process only works if you're committed to putting in the work to relish in the joy and excitement of achieving your dreams.


My Mission

We all have the opportunity to create the life we want within this lifetime. 

But first, we must wake up to ourselves and understand that everything we do affects the way we live.

It is my mission to help you construct the life of your dreams, feel more joy, and get excited about the new path you’re taking.

Be in the driver's seat and consciously create a life you love.

Let’s create something magnificent together.

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

-Nelson Mandela


"Nikki's intuitive ability and spiritual touch is both out of this world and completely ground."

I could feel her positive energy all the way on the other side of my zoom screen-- spending time in an energetic bubble with her is a gift. Motivating, honest, and authentic.

I walked away as if a mirror had been held up to me- everything she said I already knew, but I had to be told to believe it.


"The session validated anxieties I had about my life, which made me feel seen."

Nikki got quite specific. She pointed out a health issue I never told anyone before! She predicted that I would meet a good partner that would love me the way I want within a month. And it happened! It's been over a year since the session, my partner and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary and we are still very much happy to be in each other's lives!


"Highly knowledgeable and healing for my soul."

She gave me incredible input on who I am and how to move on in my life. She connected with my higher self and gave me information that blew my mind.

I'm incredibly grateful, she has made my life better and I'll recommend her to anyone who is in need of support, growth, understanding, guidance. She has many powers in her hands.

Lea S.

“My first ever chakra reading and energy healing session”

I came to the session without any pre-conceptions of what would happen. I absolutely loved it and I was amazed how Nikki was able to very intuitively read me, and see problems which have been present within me for a long time.
I highly recommend booking a session with her if you want to get a deeper understanding of where you currently are in life.


My Gifts to You

I have created some mind & body resources to help you on your journey to become the best version of yourself.

Here are some tools for your healing journey: 

  • FREE Attitude of Gratitude Masterclass
  • FREE 5-Day Beginners Yoga Challenge
  • FREE Mindset Magnet Workshop
Nicole Novo -- Mindset Mentor & Energy Healer

Need More Clarity?

Want to see if working together is the right fit for you?
Book a FREE 30-minute connection call to discuss your goals and how I can help you.
Let's get you on the right path!