5 Holistic Mind Body Techniques to Find Bliss and Reduce Stress -- Backed by Science!

Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly on a stress hamster wheel, with no end in sight?

Do you wish there was a way to kick stress and anxiety to the curb and start living your best life filled with peace, joy and pure bliss?

Well, good news: there are plenty of mindfulness techniques that can help you reach this coveted peaceful state, and there is science to back all of these tools!

In this post, we'll dive deep into these five scientifically-proven ways to decrease stress and anxiety in order to start feeling more relaxed, focused, and at ease.

1. Mindful Meditation & Breathing

Let's start with the biggie: mindfulness meditation.

This ancient practice has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, and for good reason: it's been shown to be an effective way to decrease stress and anxiety, improve mood, and increase overall well-being.

Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on the present moment and letting go of worries about the past or future.

This can be done through a variety of techniques, including focusing on the breath, body scanning, or repeating a mantra.

An easy way to practice mindful meditation:

Find a nice comfortable position either sitting or laying down.

Then, start to focus on your breath and deepen your inhale while slowing down your exhale.

Tune into your bodily sensations and scan where you are holding tension.

mindful meditation and breathing

So, what's the science behind mindful meditation?

Studies have shown that mindfulness can help regulate the body's stress response by decreasing activity in the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for processing fear and anxiety.

Additionally, practicing mindfulness can increase activity in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain associated with decision-making and impulse control.

AKA, you'll be able to respond to situations with more ease instead of reacting from a place of anxiety.

When you focus on breathing deeply, you activate the body's relaxation response, which can counteract the effects of the stress response.

This happens because you are tapping into the parasympathetic nervous system -- the one responsible for resting and digesting.

Research has shown that regular deep breathing practice can improve heart rate variability, which is a marker of the body's ability to cope with stress.

So, the next time you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, try taking a few deep breaths and see how you feel.

2. Exercise

I feel like every health and wellness expert talks about how exercise is so important -- I have a slightly different take.

Yes, exercise can calm the mind and release endorphins.

Yet, before you start saying "yeah yeah yeah, I know exercise will help me, but I somehow can't get my butt to the gym" hear me out.

You don't have to push yourself insanely hard, run for hours on a treadmill or even lift a dumbbell if you don't want to.

Exercise doesn't have to be boring or unpleasant!

There are plenty of fun and engaging ways to move your body.

Yoga is a great way to connect to yourself and move the body in ways that are beneficial.

Or dance classes like salsa or bachata. (Dance parties while you clean your room count!)

Or maybe group fitness classes outside are more your jam.

It actually may be better for your body to not have crazy high intensity workouts that put your body under stress.

Whatever you choose, any form of movement you enjoy is helping to release stagnant energy and boost your mood.

gentle yoga for mindfulness practice

The science behind exercise: how does exercise help reduce stress and anxiety?

It's all thanks to those lovely little endorphins, the natural mood-boosting chemicals in the brain.

Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as improve cognitive function and overall well-being.

It also enhances feelings of self-esteem.

When you promise yourself you're going to show up for yourself, and you do, you start to trust yourself more and more.

The more you show up for yourself, the more the confidence snowballs.

The best part?

You don't need a gym membership or fancy equipment to get moving.

Like I mentioned before dancing around your living room to your favorite tunes, taking a stroll in the park, or doing a few push-ups during a commercial break can all be great ways to get your exercise on.

FREE Gratitude Masterclass

Have you been feeling frustrated with your life unable to find anything to be grateful for lately?

Are you ready to learn all about gratitude in order to find more joy and raise your vibration?

In this FREE Attitude of Gratitude Masterclass, you'll learn how to fully utilize the power of gratitude in order to bring more fulfillment into your life.  

You'll leave feeling calm, peaceful and connected to yourself in just 45 minutes!


3. Healthy Sleep Habits

Ah, sleep.

We all know how important it is, yet so many of us struggle to get enough of it.

Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to increased levels of cortisol, the hormone associated with stress, as well as decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex, which can impair decision-making and impulse control.

So, what can you do to improve your sleep habits?

First of all, establish a consistent sleep schedule.

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends.

Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol in the hours leading up to bedtime.

And make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable and conducive to sleep.

You might even consider investing in a quality mattress or pillow to make your sleep experience more enjoyable.

This is where these holistic techniques coincide -- when you practice mindful meditation & exercise, you are lowering your stress levels, which will ultimately help you sleep better too!

yoga can reduce stress and anxiety and help with sleep

4. Gratitude Practice

Something as little as stopping to take a moment to appreciate what you're grateful for can make a grand impact on your stress levels.

Practicing gratitude can help you shift your perspective away from stress and anxiety and towards the positive aspects of your life.

At MindFlow Hub, I believe in the power of gratitude and offer resources and tools to help you incorporate this practice into your daily routine.

I host a FREE Attitude of Gratitude Workshop if you're interested in diving into gratitude deeper and learning the common mistake people make when practicing gratitude.

gratitude practice

One of way to practice gratitude is through journaling.

Take a few minutes each day to write down three things you're grateful for.

They can be as simple as a delicious cup of coffee in the morning, a supportive friend, or a beautiful sunset.

By focusing on the positive aspects of your life, you can cultivate a sense of appreciation and thankfulness.

Another way to practice gratitude is through guided meditations.

I offer a variety of gratitude meditations that can help you connect with a sense of thankfulness and joy.

By practicing gratitude, you can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and improve your overall well-being. It's a simple but powerful tool that anyone can use, no matter where you are in your mental health journey.

Join the Freedom Fast Track Membership!

Do you feel like your negative thoughts are controlling your life? 

Are you ready to finally find peace and joy in your life?

Learn the fundamental tools to change your neural pathways to live a more joyous, liberating and satisfying life in a group cohort that will hold you accountable toward your goals.

Let's figure out your goals together and see if this is a great fit for you. Book a call for a FREE Goal Setting Session.


5. Finding Community

In times of stress and anxiety, it can be difficult to feel like you're not alone.

You may feel like nobody understands what you're going through, and that can be a scary and isolating experience.

That's where finding community comes in.

One of the most significant benefits of finding a community that shares your interests and values is having a safe place to unravel your condition and your thoughts.

Being able to express yourself and talk about your experiences can help you process your feelings and work through difficult emotions.

This can be especially valuable when dealing with stress and anxiety, which can often feel overwhelming and all-consuming.

Having a supportive community can also help you heal faster.

yoga wellness community

Research has shown that social support can have a positive impact on mental health, and that feeling connected to others can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

By finding a community that understands and accepts you, you can develop a sense of belonging and connection that can be crucial to your overall well-being.

I am a firm believer that finding community is a crucial aspect of managing stress and anxiety.

It boosts our feelings of self-confidence, connection and belonging, which ultimately enhances your wellbeing.

I offer a plethora of different opportunities to join my supportive and inclusive community for people to come together, share their experiences, and learn from one another.

If you're feeling called to work with me and join my mindfulness community, I invite you to fill out this form to see if it will be a good fit.

I'm here to hold space and support you on your mind body journey.

reduce stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety can be challenging to manage, but there are plenty of scientifically-proven ways to decrease these feelings and improve your overall well-being.

From practicing mindfulness and self-care to staying active and seeking social support, there are many techniques you can try to help reduce stress and anxiety in your life.

Remember, taking care of your wellbeing is a journey, not a destination.

By exploring different techniques, finding what works best for you, and connecting with a supportive community, you can reduce stress and anxiety and start living your best life.

I'm so excited for you now that you're one step closer.

Much love always,


Hi! I'm Nikki. A brain hacking mentor on a mission to help you optimize your mindset to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling and joyous life.

Start Your Yoga Journey

Are you wanting to tap into your body and mind by practicing yoga but have no idea where to start? 

I’ve made it easy for you to learn the basics of yoga poses in 5 short days.

For 5 days, you'll receive an email with 3 videos on how to do basic yoga poses. Then, you can practice those poses with a 15-minute sequence that combines them all.

On day 5, celebrate with a 30-minute yoga flow!

The best way to ease into yoga. Perfect for beginners.

In this free yoga challenge over 5 days, you will: 
  • Learn 12 basic yoga poses
  • Practice the poses in four 15-minute gentle yoga sequences
  • Connect deeper to your mind and body through 5 different journal prompts
  • Finish the challenge with a 30-minute flow
  • Gain more confidence in your yoga practice
  • Have access to a global yoga community