My Jam Packed June Journey

If I say how much of a whirlwind this past month has been, would we even be surprised at this point? 

I feel like I start each newsletter with “Hey! This month has been a whirlwind!” 

But I only speak the truth. 

Last newsletter, I left you hanging by chatting about my Nusa Penida adventures and saying there was still much more to come. Well here we are with allllll the tea. 

While I was in Nusa Penida, my good friend Tim mentioned how he was going to Jakarta with his production team to make vlogs. 

The production team :) 

He invited me along and reiterated how great of an opportunity it was to start my vlogging journey.

Welp. I didn’t have anything planned, so I thought “it would basically be silly NOT to go and pass up this opportunity that landed in my lap.”

The beauty of this life of not having any sort of 9-5 or commitment.

The freedom. My most favorite thing in the world. Right above a gooey dark chocolate chip cookie with ice cream on top. And that’s hard to beat! Let me tell ya. 

On a Plane For the First Time in 15 Months

So I bought a plane ticket literally 24 hours in advance, packed my bag, and drove myself to the airport on my scooter with my backpack on my back. 

Then, I walked 20 minutes outside in the heat with the big ol’ backpack to make it to the domestic gate. 

Did I look like a crazy foreigner? Yes. Am I used to this by now? Also, yes. 

Was everyone shocked when they asked me if I needed transportation and I declined in almost perfect Indonesian? Also, yes yes yes. 

PIK Chinatown Jakarta Indonesia
Exploring Chinatown in Jakarta, Indonesia

Ya girl is getting good at Indonesian! All of the locals are low-key shocked. 

And truthfully, so am I. 

Never thought I’d be able to pick it up this fast, but it truly is a very easy language since there aren’t any conjugations or tenses for that matter. 

Ketika kamu datang ke indonesia, saya bisa mengajar kamu kata-kata indonesia baru jadi kamu bisa berbicara sama orang indonesia juga. :) 

Think ya can guess what it means before you google translate it? :)

(“When you come to Indonesia, I can teach you new Indonesian words so you can speak with locals too”)

Kota Tua Jakarta Indonesia
In old-town Jakarta in the infamous Kota Tua area experiencing my first Asian big city for the first time.

My Jakarta Experience

After being in Bali for 15 months, Jakarta was a different experience that’s for sure. My first big Asian city experience. 

Lots of traffic. Lots of pollution. Lots of things to look at. 

Motorbikes everywhere. Street food galore. And roads bigger than two lanes. God bless. 

Even during a pandemic, traffic is unavoidable. It’s the true patience tester….and I think I passed? Most of the time at least. 

It was so cool to simply look around and see the city--the allure of the National Monument and the skyscrapers.

View of Jakarta Indonesia from Henshin
The view from 67 floors up at Henshin Restaurant

I was so used to seeing Bali’s beach shacks that even mundane skyscrapers were amusing to look at.

Besides the views, I ubiquitously heard about the huge Asian malls.

They definitely lived up to the hype.

I shopped til I dropped and then ate my way through the city.

Not a bad way to live life if you ask me.

That pretty much sums it up, and if you want the nitty gritty details, then you’re in luck because I documented the whole thing. 

These past couple of weeks I have been releasing vlogs from my Jakarta adventure, and they have been blowing up! 

Turns out Indonesians like seeing what foreigners think of their country.

Some of the reviews have been that “I am a funny foreigner” and that “I have a good positive vibe.” 

So jump in and see what all the fuss is about and if you too think I am a hilarious, spunky, funky gal with a good vibe. :)  

Traveling Yogi in Jakarta's Malls

FREE Gratitude Masterclass

Have you been feeling frustrated with your life unable to find anything to be grateful for lately?

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You'll leave feeling calm, peaceful and connected to yourself in just 45 minutes!


Jakarta's More Chill Cousin, Jogjakarta

After Jakarta, we took an 8-hour scenic train to Jogjakarta in the center of Java. It’s like Jakarta’s more chill, hip cousin. 

I stayed with a local friend there who showed me around, and immediately, I fell in love with the city. The vibe there is incredible.

It’s so different than Jakarta. 

People say Jogjakarta is to Indonesia what Chiang Mai is to Thailand. 

Unfortunately, I only planned two full days there, which was a definite mistake. I wanted to stay for at least 3 weeks minimum.

Taman Sari Jogjakarta Indonesia
Exploring Taman Sari bath complex as the only foreigner in the group in Jogjakarta, Indonesia


There is so much to do both in the center of Jogja and in the surrounding areas that staying there for only 2 days was a silly idea. 

Whoops, guess I gotta plan my trip back ASAP. 

I did pack a ton into the 2 days though. I saw the Royal Palace and Taman Sari (the ancient bath complex).

We even did a jeep tour up a volcano, which was pretty epic. 

Jeep Tour crew with Mount Merapi in the background

We ended the Jogja trip with an adventure to Borobudur, a UNESCO heritage sight about an hour outside of the city.

Unfortunately, with covid restrictions, we weren’t able to actually explore the site as thoroughly as we would have liked. 

Note to self, go back and go at sunrise.

Borobudur UNESCO Heritage Site
Borobudur in all its glory

Traveling is wonderful and all, but it does come with its fair share of disappointments and fatigue.

Yet, I decided to make the best of it and not dwell in it. 

I still had the most wonderful time in Jogja, and I am already trying to plan when it would fit in my schedule to go back. 

Borobudur Jogjakarta Indonesia 2021
Feelin' like Mary Poppins at Borobudur with my umbella :) 

My vlogs on Jogjakarta have yet to come out.

So again, if you want all the details and to see the beauty of all of these places be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

The Adventure Continues in Bali -- Music Festivals & Silent Retreats

When I flew back to Bali, I landed and immediately drove 2 hours in the pouring rain to a music festival in the jungle near a few secret waterfalls. 

Yep, it was marvelous.

We already know how much I love the northern jungle of Bali, so we are not surprised that I rushed back there the moment I landed. 

Secret Waterfalls in Munduk Indonesia

I was speaking about this unique Silent Retreat in Bali to some new friends I made at the festival, and then of course, magically, I got a text message from the volunteer coordinator asking if I wanted to teach yoga at the retreat for two weeks. 

Bali has a weird way of hearing your desires and delivering them to you at lightspeed.

It was like a package with a nicely tied bow was delivered directly to me. 

I had no plans and I was just talking about how I wanted to settle in and have some time to myself. 

Oh it was time to myself all right. 

Bali Silent Retreat Sunrise Views
Sunrise views from my room at Bali Silent Retreat

I taught my first public yoga classes since getting my yoga certification, and although there were a few hiccups, I left the retreat feeling confident in my teaching style. 

I brought humor, fun, grace, gentleness, and comfort to every class I taught.

I fell in love with the space I shared with the guests and remembered exactly why I am doing what I am doing. 

Teaching is my happy place. Connecting is my currency. 

This is what the whole brand is that I am trying to create…. Sharing my journey in hopes to connect deeply to others. 

It doesn’t hurt that the food at the Silent Retreat was the best food I’ve ever eaten on the planet. So fresh, so filling, so delicious.

From garden to table. So healthy. So mind blowing.

The silent retreat nestled me in and made me feel at home, so that’s why when I left after two weeks, I felt off. 

Bali Beach Hair Vibes
Bali Hair Don't Careeeee (the water ruining your hair is a real thing let me tell ya)

Join the Freedom Fast Track Membership!

Do you feel like your negative thoughts are controlling your life? 

Are you ready to finally find peace and joy in your life?

Learn the fundamental tools to change your neural pathways to live a more joyous, liberating and satisfying life in a group cohort that will hold you accountable toward your goals.

Let's figure out your goals together and see if this is a great fit for you. Book a call for a FREE Goal Setting Session.


Nikki the Entrepreneur

To be honest, I still feel kind of off, but it’s all a part of this journey. It’s one that ebbs and flows.

Peaks and valleys. Euphorias and learning curves.

I'm learning how to sit in the eye of the uncertainty storm and simply letting it be as it is.

I keep asking myself, "How can I take things as they come? How can I give up my tight grasp of control to make room for magic?"

I'm gently letting go. Surrendering.

And deeply trying to live in the moment instead of letting the phrase "I'll be happy when...." take over.

I’m back in the Canggu area diving head first into my business. I now have a production team. Yeah, I know. It feels WILD to say that. 

They help me create content and vlogs to put on YouTube.

Just 2 years ago, I was sitting in boring meetings in my corporate job longing to be white-boarding and collaborating with my own team about projects I am passionate about. 

Fast forward and here we are. I am the “boss” passionately, joyously, and collaboratively leading my team. 

It feels good. And scary. The imposter syndrome is real as hell. But again, I think that’s all part of it. 

Traveling Yogi in Bali Indonesia
Hanging at the office vibezZzZz

I have this phrase now: “Do it for the book.” 

Everything I do is leading to this epic book I will write when I’m older hahahaha.

Well, that’s at least what I’ve been somewhat jokingly saying to make myself feel better. 

So, eventually, I will release a book (hopefully), but for now, I’m doing it for the vlog.

If you’ve made it this far and read the whole newsletter, I am sending you a huge squeeze from Bali.

You are a true fan and supporter, and I am beyond grateful for you. 

I couldn’t do any of this if it weren’t for you, so thank you for being a part of this community and flowing with me. 

Lots of love to you.

Thanks for reading. 

I’ll be in touch soon. 



Hi! I'm Nikki. A brain hacking mentor on a mission to help you optimize your mindset to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling and joyous life.

Start Your Yoga Journey

Are you wanting to tap into your body and mind by practicing yoga but have no idea where to start? 

I’ve made it easy for you to learn the basics of yoga poses in 5 short days.

For 5 days, you'll receive an email with 3 videos on how to do basic yoga poses. Then, you can practice those poses with a 15-minute sequence that combines them all.

On day 5, celebrate with a 30-minute yoga flow!

The best way to ease into yoga. Perfect for beginners.

In this free yoga challenge over 5 days, you will: 
  • Learn 12 basic yoga poses
  • Practice the poses in four 15-minute gentle yoga sequences
  • Connect deeper to your mind and body through 5 different journal prompts
  • Finish the challenge with a 30-minute flow
  • Gain more confidence in your yoga practice
  • Have access to a global yoga community