Building A Personal Brand: What They Don't Tell You & The Piece of Advice That Saved Me

I was stressing myself out for no reason because I felt like I constantly had to be productive. The thing about entrepreneurship is that there is always something you can be doing for your brand. So when I found myself relaxing or taking a break, the ego chimed in to tell me I should be doing more. I was burning myself out at both ends and listening to podcasts that told me to keep going. It wasn't until I heard this one piece of advice from a dear mentor of mine where I had a huge mindset shift. I even made a video about it on YouTube, which you can watch here. You can also read all about this change of mindset.

When I have time apart from my busy schedule to rest and relax, I can’t turn my brain off. Anyone else ever feel this way?

Swimming Pool in Bali Villa

I mindlessly shuffle things around, record videos, try to write articles, and do anything that I deem productive in attempt to build my personal brand.

My body and mind were yearning for a break. I was in conflict because I wanted to recharge, but for some reason, my brain would not allow it.

Then, while speaking with one of my yoga instructors and my friend, she opened my eyes to other ways of thinking that made me feel more at peace.

I don’t have to force myself to do anything I don’t want to do. I don’t have to write random articles I don’t want to write. I am at choice. I can relax and simply be, which will allow me to figure out what I actually want to do.

When in doubt, do nothing.

That’s it.

Gili Air Pink Coco Bike Riding

This profound realization changed everything for me. This realization reverberated back in numerous different forms.

When I wasn’t sure what to do about a relationship, I did nothing and let it play out.

When I wasn’t sure what to do for the day, I did nothing and allowed ideas to come to me.

When I wasn’t sure if I wanted to attend a specific event, I did nothing and decided to see how I felt later.

Surprisingly for me, all of the situations worked themselves out. I didn’t have to throw any stress or anxiety at them. I could just relax.

This is new to me….. Normally, I stress about certain situations until they are over, and then I find something new to throw my worry at. Ah yes, the anxiety cycle of doom.

It’s weird to do nothing. We are programmed to do something at all costs. We think that doing something is better than nothing at all.

FREE Gratitude Masterclass

Have you been feeling frustrated with your life unable to find anything to be grateful for lately?

Are you ready to learn all about gratitude in order to find more joy and raise your vibration?

In this FREE Attitude of Gratitude Masterclass, you'll learn how to fully utilize the power of gratitude in order to bring more fulfillment into your life.  

You'll leave feeling calm, peaceful and connected to yourself in just 45 minutes!

Yoga in Lombok

We have to be stressed about something at all times…and when we are not stressed, we conjure something to be stressed about.

I was nervous to do nothing because my first reaction was…wouldn’t I just lay around all day literally doing nothing and then make no income or anything?

Here’s the thing: when you give yourself permission to do nothing, you open up space for what you actually want to do to come through.

For example, I stopped forcing myself to teach 10 English classes a day.

I was nervous that if I didn’t teach that many classes a day, I wouldn’t make enough money. Yet, when I stopped stressing and forcing myself to teach, I allowed space for the things I actually wanted to do like yoga and writing in cafes.

Now, more opportunities than ever are popping up for me that involve teaching yoga, copywriting, and writing blogs.

For that, I am so grateful. I am developing a plan that works for me both financially and emotionally.

When I stopped forcing things…that’s when it all came together.

It’s so much more relaxing this way!

Sunset Sushi in Bali Canggu

I get it. It’s hard to let go, so let’s try baby steps together.

I challenge you to do nothing. For just a little bit.

Start with a few hours….perhaps after work or on the weekend.

You scrap your to-do list, errands, appointments, everything. Nothing scheduled. THEN, you choose what you want to do. Maybe it is laying around for hours on end. Maybe it is watching a movie, going for a bike ride, taking a bath, or working on a project you have put off for months. Let your body tell you what it wants, not your brain.

What feels good to do? Maybe it is doing a couple hours of work without the added stress of forcing yourself to do it! There are no guidelines.

This will be hard. I struggle with this a lot.

I am not used to doing what I want.

Join the Freedom Fast Track Membership!

Do you feel like your negative thoughts are controlling your life? 

Are you ready to finally find peace and joy in your life?

Learn the fundamental tools to change your neural pathways to live a more joyous, liberating and satisfying life in a group cohort that will hold you accountable toward your goals.

Let's figure out your goals together and see if this is a great fit for you. Book a call for a FREE Goal Setting Session.

Yoga on Gili Air Indonesia

I am used to forcing myself to do things because that’s what I think I should do. I am used to forcing myself to go to a job every day for 8 hours, do hard workouts, eat no carbs, and barely have any time to do what it is that I actually want. Pfft….even reading that sentence induces anxiety.

I understand that there is a need to make money and put food on the table, yet there is no need to be wandering around with unnecessary added stress. I’m also not telling you to pull a Ferris Bueller’s day off (only if you want to!) or quit your job, but perhaps when you have some free time, you can allow yourself and your brain to breathe.

That’s all.

I forced myself to make yoga videos because that’s what I thought would gain traction on YouTube. Instead, when I gave myself permission to do nothing, my whole being told me to make a video about doing nothing. So, here is the same message in video form. Feel free to share with others who need to hear this message. Enjoy.

I would love to hear how this message resonated with you.

As always, please comment with any feedback. I always get so giddy when I hear from you all, so feel free to drop me a line.

Hi! I'm Nikki. A brain hacking mentor on a mission to help you optimize your mindset to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling and joyous life.

Start Your Yoga Journey

Are you wanting to tap into your body and mind by practicing yoga but have no idea where to start? 

I’ve made it easy for you to learn the basics of yoga poses in 5 short days.

For 5 days, you'll receive an email with 3 videos on how to do basic yoga poses. Then, you can practice those poses with a 15-minute sequence that combines them all.

On day 5, celebrate with a 30-minute yoga flow!

The best way to ease into yoga. Perfect for beginners.

In this free yoga challenge over 5 days, you will: 
  • Learn 12 basic yoga poses
  • Practice the poses in four 15-minute gentle yoga sequences
  • Connect deeper to your mind and body through 5 different journal prompts
  • Finish the challenge with a 30-minute flow
  • Gain more confidence in your yoga practice
  • Have access to a global yoga community