The VIP Freedom Fast Track Accelerator

Get the VIP 1:1 support you need to magnetize your absolute dream life in this lifetime.

Together, we'll break your mindset patterns so you can attract in your dream job, dream income, and dream opportunities beyond your imagination.

Many creative visionaries like you understand the importance of a rock-solid mindset and taking aligned action in order to achieve their goals.
You're wrestling with mindset obstacles and narratives that are holding you back and limiting your potential.
There is a way to quickly shatter your mindset blocks in order to take aligned action and see progress toward your goals and dreams.



It's time to shatter those years of mindset blocks that have held you back. 🌟

Are you ready to create a crystal-clear path to your long-awaited business and financial success and dreams?

Say goodbye to the rut and hello to a life that genuinely excites you!

With the VIP Freedom Fast Track Accelerator, you'll: 

  • ✨ Discover the secrets to rewiring your brain to magnetize in your dream career and business
  • ✨ Learn the techniques that will bring in financial and time freedom
  • ✨ Craft a unique roadmap to your success and fulfillment
  • ✨ Get immersive support and community every step of the way

Don't let another day slip by in mediocrity.

It's finally time to move forward and live the life you've been craving. 💫

To Be Happy with Inner Peace Life Coaching


You wake up every morning with with a supportive mindset, a roadmap to success, a successful business and job with an abundance of money that feels fulfilling.

  • You radiate the best version of yourself attracting opportunities, connections, and abundance.

You're surrounded by a supportive community, cheering you on every step of the way.

Your mindset supports your goals instead of feeling beaten down from limiting beliefs.

The dreams you once thought were out of reach are now your reality.

This is the life that awaits you with the VIP Freedom Fast Track Accelerator.

Shift from procrastination to productivity and blast to your most aligned goals with an unstoppable mindset and strategic plan.

Ready to be happy with inner peace?

How Would Your Life Be Different If You Could....

  • Implement a step by step guide to take your goals from paper to reality with immersive support
  • Work a job or create a business that feels in alignment and brings you full freedom and abundance in your time and income
  • Navigate Life's Challenges: Face adversity with grace and resilience, emerging stronger.
  • Have confidence in your decisions and create lasting contentment
  • Indulge in the simple pleasures of life
  • Be supported and held in your journey toward self love, acceptance and ultimate fulfillment 
  • Free yourself from negative repetitive thought patterns
  •  Feel recharged and energized about your future
  • Know how to ground yourself as you self regulate your emotions 
  • Experience limitless freedom as you learn you have everything you need inside to be happy 

The VIP Freedom Fast Track Accelerator provides 1:1 support and a roadmap to profound fulfillment in every aspect of your life. Discover the power of small, sustainable changes that lead to deeper connections in your relationships, connection to yourself, a magnet to money and feeling the most optimized in your health. Unlock your incredible potential.

I'm Ready For Change! 
The secret to a happy, thriving life is understanding how to navigate your mindset to handle any problem that arises.
You do not have to do that alone.
What Nicole's Students Are Saying:
Be like Rayana, Molly, & Lea and start watching your dream life unfold feeling the most peace and happiness you've ever had!

"I wouldn't hesitate to work with Nicole because she's my secret weapon and favorite coach."

I wouldn't have gotten to where I am now without Nicole's compassion.

Not only do I feel very supported, but the clarity I get from each session has helped me move forward in alignment with what I want to do with my life. I'm so grateful for the happiness I now feel.

Rayana - High Transformation Coach

"I've had more transformation in these past 3 months working with Nicole than I have had in my life"

I've worked with a ton of therapists, and none of them compare to the full transformation that Nicole provides.

Nicole walks the walk and embodies the work she teaches.

I've healed tons of my own programming and feel the best I've ever felt.

Molly - Trauma Informed Doula

"Highly knowledgeable and healing for my soul."

She gave me incredible input on who I am and how to move forward in my life. She connected with my higher self and gave me information that blew my mind.

She has made my life infinitely better and I'll recommend her to anyone who is in need of support, growth, understanding, and guidance. She has many powers in her hands.

Lea - Feminine Empowerment Coach
Discover the methods and techniques to completely blast your mindset barriers that have held you back for too long and launch to your most aligned goals.

All About Space Cadet Nicole

Formerly stuck in a corporate job in Chicago, I found myself miserable in my body, my job and my life. 

I knew there had to be more to life than beating myself up in my head 95% of the time.

I embarked on a journey.

I packed my bags, booked a one-way flight, and jet-setted across the world to Indonesia.

There I received my:

  • 200 Hour Yoga Certification
  • Pranic Healing Certification
  • Life Coaching Certification

I studied mindfulness and brain hacking techniques under different spiritual mentors and Balinese Hindu Priests for 3 years.

These teachings helped me transform my mind and unlocked freedom, peace, alignment and ultimate fulfillment.

Today, it is my greatest mission to share these tools and insights with you so you can bask in your fullest potential too.

Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities.

  • Your transformation starts now. 🚀

What's Included? 

VIP Freedom Fast Track Accelerator

3-Month Program

Book a call to see if this program is an aligned fit for you

The Transformation Guarantee:
I am so confident that if you fully commit to the program, implement the strategies, and actively participate, you will experience transformative results.
If after seeing the program and attending a coaching session, you feel like it hasn't helped shift your energy, perspective and mindset, I will personally work with you to help you until it does!
Your success is my mission and priority.


What is the VIP Freedom Fast Track Accelerator?

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It's an immersive program that will guarantee to shift your mindset to attract in the life you are wanting to live. Think new jobs, building up your business, attracting in more love, and thriving with more money and clients. Connect with other like-minded people in the community, watch videos to shift your perspective and attend coaching sessions to get your questions answered and receive personalized support.

What's the time commitment? 

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Each module takes around an hour or so to complete. I would also allow yourself one hour to work on the homework and assignments as well as one hour to attend the group coaching office hours per week. So about 2-4 hours a week give or take.

What results will I get from this membership?

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I've had clients skyrocket their confidence, clarity and joy in their lives. By developing a rich foundation, my clients have built their businesses, made more money, and found a deeper connection to themselves. Your results will vary depending on your situation and your openness to putting in the work and showing up for the calls.

What's included in the VIP Accelerator?

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1:1 deep dives into the subconscious mind, brain hacking video modules, 8 coaching calls/month, a journal workbook, a resource guide, co-working accountability hours, like-minded community, and personalized support.

Is there a money back guarantee? 

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If your mindset doesn't transform, I will give you back every dollar.

More Questions?

Feel free to reach out to me at or DM me on Instagram at @radicallyrewired.